Spreading tentacles of English...once again! , by Alex Sospedra.

Exploration and travelling in today's world

Exploration and travelling in today's world


Two centuries ago, exploration in our world was a very common activity for adventurous, rich Europeans. But, for instance, nearly the whole of the African continent was unknown by them. Nowadays, all the Earth’s surface has practically been explored. This is because the mankind has been describing and drawing maps of islands, peninsulas and continents from all over the world for about five centuries. Besides, we can take photos of lots of places with satellites without having to travel to the place from we want to have an image.


Then, exploration activities are especially developed under seas’ and oceans’ surface, on the bottom of them, because it hasn’t been much observed at all. In fact, we have explored only the 1% of Earth’s oceans. Anyway, what’s the objective of exploration in today’s world? Well, the ancient explorers wanted to find new lands where colonial powers could settle new cities and mines, farms, and so on. However, contemporaneous explorers want to find either ancient treasures or unknown fauna and flora, which can be living wherever in the deep oceanic areas of the planet.


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